
Management consultation



If you are at loss how to reform culture of your company, how to develop independent human resources, please feel free to ask any question. I am well experienced in human resource development both in a large enterprise and small ones. I am sure that I can help you in creating a business plan ,human resource development plan and subsidiary application.


Career consulting


Some workers may be at a loss to find his or her own way by the influence of corona or rapidly changing corporate environment. So far I have been engaged in employment support of university students, needy persons and welfare recipients. Also I devoted myself into upbringing young employee and managements, even supported forming a second career of senior class employee. Please do not embrace worries by yourself and come to talk.


Support of foundation or starting business in Setagaya


Recently I feel that people who found or start business are increasing including foreigners in number. I will help to clarify concept of business, and to inform you of appropriate procedures if necessary. Foreign people are welcome. I am willing to explain the content in English.


Business consultant and Career consultant based in Setagaya


 I strongly feel like  contributing to society in Local Setagaya. Previously,I helped elementary school students in their physical and mental growth.Now I want to support small business owners and  founding of foreign entrepreneurs in Setagaya for regional revitalization.

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